How To Clean Dog Pee on Bean Bags? – Dog Peed On Bean Bag

Did you ever experience the situation when your dog peed in your home? Especially when dog peed on bean bags, how did you clean them? I know most of you are now scratching heads and thinking of ways to do it. 

Dog pee contains uric acid, and it causes give peculiar odor. So, it is hard to use this furniture without complete cleaning. However, the cleaning method is highly dependent on the contaminate level. 

Sometimes you may see the dog’s pee before it absorbs the inner layers. But sometimes you may be too late. Then you have to apply cleaning procedures for the bean bag outer cover and the fillers. 

Moreover, it is easy to clean when dog peed on bean bags that made with water-resistant materials such as vinyl. The leather also has a bit of tolerance. But if your dog peed on cotton, linen, denim, or velvet bean bag, you are in big trouble.

Do not worry; I will explain the most effective ways to clean the dog’s pee from a bean bag. You can apply these methods to bean bags and other soft toys, mattresses, and sofas!

clean dog pee on bean bags

Table of Contents

Methods to Clean When Dog Peed on Bean Bag

Remove Dog’s Pee From Dump Cloth And Detergent

Step 1: Clean Excess Pee

Here, do not hurry to keep your bean bag away. It will cause to increase in the contraction. And also will distribute the dog’s pee all around the home.

Therefore, remove the pee using a dump cloth or towel as soon as you notice it. Further, clean the surrounding using a mop.

Step 2: Clean The Bean Bag

However, your bean bag will absorb the portion of the dog’s pee. Thus, it would be best if you cleaned them too. The most important thing is that the absorption rate will depend on the bean bag material type.

For example, assume you have two bean bags made with vinyl and cotton fabrics. Then these bean bags are contaminated with the dog’s pee.

Here, you can easily clean vinyl bean bags by practicing spot cleaning because it is waterproof. Thus, you do not need to clean the whole bean bag.

But this situation is a bit different with cotton, linen, microsuede, and other bean bags. After removing the excess pee, you should apply some method to remove absorbed pee from them.

Step 3: Wash The Bean Bag Cover Using a Detergent

Here, you should read the manufacturer guidelines and follow these procedures. Why?

Different material has different cleaning processes. For example, the bean bag prepared with linen and cotton can wash without trouble. But some bean bag materials do not work the same like that.  

Further, you should check whether bean bag manufacturers allow machine cleaning and tumble drying. If they didn’t allow them, you should clean them manually.

The mild detergent solution is excellent for washing the bean bag covers.

Wash Bean Bag Outer Cover Using Baking Soda And Warm Water

You should have a big basket or tub to create the baking soda solution here.

Step 1: Add baking soda into the warm water in a tub

Step 2: Then well agitate the solution

Step 3: Dip the bean bag cover that contaminated with dog pee

You should ensure that the pee contaminates the area well submerged in the solution.

Step 4: Wait for 15 to 20 minutes.

Keep in mind this is the most crucial step. During this time, baking soda will break down the uric acids that contaminate the bean bag.

Step 5: Take the bean bag cover out from the solution and wash it thoroughly

Here, the wash-out process help to remove the dog’s pee and baking soda remains from your bean bag cover.

Step 6: Rewash cover with warm water

Step 7: After that, you should wash the bean bag cover with mild detergent

Step 8: Let’ dry the bean bag cover

If your bean bag manufacturer allows tumble dry, you can try it. If not, let it air dry. However, do not keep your bean bag covered under direct sunlight. It may cause to shrink and shade the colors.

Now your bean bag cover is in super fresh status. No pee odor or any unpleasant smells! Fantastic, No?

Wash Bean Bag Cover With Laundry Odor Eliminator

Do you worry about the unpleasant smell of dogs pee? Especially if they contact the bean bag, it is not easy to remove.

So try laundry odor eliminator. This is a deodorizer solvent designed to eliminate odor molecules in the fabric. So, it can bond with the dog’s pee molecules and remove them. 

Not only that, here you received a bonus offer. The zero odor detergent deodorizes your machine too. That’s great, No?

Add two ounces of this chemical to the water and mix well. Then dip your bean bag cover in it. After 10, 15 minutes, rinse your cover with fresh water.  

Further, you can use Funckway odor eliminator beads to eliminate the do’s pee smell. This is not a detergent or solvent agent. The primary purpose of beads is to eliminate unpleasant smells. So, you can keep them around the places where your dog roam.

Spot Cleaning With Rocco & Stain And Odor Eliminator

This product is ideal for removing dogs’ pee and stain. This product can tackle all animal organic stains, not only dogs.

Here, you can spray the product on the surfaces that contact the dog’s pee. Then wipe the surface using a dump cloth. The containing enzyme can attack the ammonia crystals in stains. So, this product is good to use waterproof fabrics such as vinyl and leather. 

It will not cover the bad smells; it completely removes the dog’s pee.

Clean The Bean Bag Cover With Vinegar

Step 1: Add two cups of white vinegar into the basket and mix with the water.

Step 2: Then dip the bean bag cover in the solution

Here, you should keep the bean bag cover for 10-30 minutes. These are preliminary steps to remove the pee odor.

Step 3: Wash bean bag cover using mild detergent and let it dry

Sometimes vinegar odor will remain few days. Please do not consider it much because it will fade with time.

How To Remove Dog’s Pee From The Bean Bag Fillers

Expanded Polystyrene Beads

Are your bean bag utterly wet with the dog’s pee? Are they penetrate to bean bag fillers too? Then cleaning the outer cover is not enough. Here, you have to clean the whole bean bag, including fillers.

However, do not panic! It is not a big deal.

The most important thing is to know about the bean bag fillers’ properties. Moreover, check the manufacturer’s guidelines to wash bean bag fillers.

For example, you can use methods 1,2,4,5 to clean a dog’s pee from expanded polystyrene beads. You have to take them with the inner bag and wash them with these solutions. After that, you can dry EPS beads under sunlight.

EPS beads are water-resistant. It is an advantage. Thus the dog’s pee does not penetrate its inner layers. So, surface cleaning is enough.

Memory Foam Or Cotton

These materials absorb moisture, including dogs’ pee. So, how to clean the dog’s pee that contaminates your cotton or form bean bag?

So, when you dip them in the detergent solution, they will absorb the water. Because of that, it is challenging to wash them. The tricky thing is here; you have to deal with the weight of the wet fillers.

However, you can wash them using the above methods.

Natural Beans

It is hard to clean raw beans using a solvent. But if your bean bag is filled with rice or beans, quickly wash them with mild detergent. Then dry them under direct sunlight.

Do not soak them in the water for a long time. These natural seeds can absorb water. Then It will cause to lose its properties. So, if you wash these beans, do it immediately.

If not, you can remove contaminated beads from the bean bags and refill that amount. However, if these fillers are entirely wet with dog pees, you must throw them away and use new fillers.

Final Thoughts

Dogs’ pee consists of acidic components and creates unpleasant smells. So, when the dog peed on the bean bag, immediately clean them. If not, it can create a permanent stain or patch on your bean bag! So, do not waste time! Start to clean your favorite furniture.

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