How to Make Juggling Bean Bags? – 3 Methods Explained

How to Make Juggling Bean Bags? – 3 Methods Explained

Juggling is a game that rotates several bean bags or balls simultaneously. It is primarily famous with magicians. But did you know how to make juggling bean bags?  Juggling bean bags come in different colors and shapes. Also, the color-emitting juggling balls are available at the market. So, these luminescent balls are ideal for entertaining…

Gift Wrap a Bean Bag – Best Ideas to Follow

Gift Wrap a Bean Bag – Best Ideas to Follow

The first impression is the most vital factor that impresses friends, family, or office mates. This phenomenon naturally applies to everything, including gifts.  Think about your birthday present. Indeed, you may imagine beautiful boxes that are wrapped with colorful wraps. Or else, think about your Christmas gifts. All of them were received with attractive shiny…

Make a Phone Bean Bag – 3 Simple Methods Explained

Make a Phone Bean Bag – 3 Simple Methods Explained

Do you always have the struggle to keep your phone upright while watching videos and movies? Are you looking for a method to keep your phone balanced while watching cooking videos on youtube and trying a new recipe? Smartphones serve you 24-hours a day, seven days a week, without any condition. Also, we spent thousands…

Make a Camera Bean Bag At Home – Step by Step Guide

Make a Camera Bean Bag At Home – Step by Step Guide

Tripods do a lovely job with cameras. But sometimes, it’s challenging to set them on some surfaces, especially rocky mountains or unbalanced spots. Moreover, if you are a photographer, you may already know a tripod can not capture ground-level photographs. That’s why they search camera bean bags to settle down their lenses. A camera bean…

How Much Fabric Needs to Make a Bean Bag? – With Calculations

How Much Fabric Needs to Make a Bean Bag? – With Calculations

Bean bags are the most trending furniture in this decade. Most people love to decorate their places with this comfy sac. However, some people tend to make bean bags instead of buying them from the market. Yes, making a bean bag yourself is a fantastic thing. Because then you can customize its size, color, shape,…