Clean A Microwave Bean Bag
A heating bean bag or microwave bean bag is the best and most comfortable alternative for heating pads. Without any doubt, a microwave bean bag can provide the same service as heating pads for you.
On the other hand, it is possible to make a heating bean bag at a low cost if you cannot spend money on heating pads at a low price.
That’s because microwave bean bags are trendy among people as a supportive partner for their pains. Over time, when you use your microwave bean bag, it will dirty. The cleaning time will vary on your care level.
So, what happens when your microwave bean bag is dirty? Here do you have to throw it away? Or can you clean and re-use it?

Table of Contents
- Microwave Bean Bag & Cleaning
- Is the Microwave Bean Bag Washable?
- What Happens If You Wash Your Microwave Bean Bag?
- How To Wash the Outer Cover Of Your Microwave Bean Bag?
- How To Clean Microwave Bean Bag Fillings?
- How To Get Quick Refreshment For Microwave Bean Bag?
- Step 1: Remove the microwave bean bag cover
- Step 2: Open the inner liner of the microwave bean bag
- Step 3: Place the microwave bean bag fillers to dry under direct sunlight
- Step 4: Shake the inner cover well and let it dry under sunlight
- Step 5: After drying well, refill the fillers into the inner cover
- Step 6: Replace the outer cover, and now you have a fresh microwave bean bag
- Final Thoughts
Microwave Bean Bag & Cleaning
The most amazing thing regarding bean bags is that you can clean them, refill them and replace the covers. This does not change with the microwave bean bag. Yes, you can clean your microwave bean bag. But like other bean bag types, microwave bean bags have their own way of cleaning up.
As you know before, to decide on the correct cleaning method, you should be highly aware of the nature of the fabric and the filling type of the microwave bean bag. It means considering whether your cleaning technique success for the filling and fabric of a particular bean bag or not.
Similarly, it is a must to follow the instructions of the bean bag manufacturer before cleaning the microwave bean bag.
Is the Microwave Bean Bag Washable?
Strictly, you cannot wash your microwave bean bag due to any case as there is a high possibility that your microwave bean bag is filled with natural fillers.
Do you know natural fillers? Instead of synthetic fillers, including EPF balls and memory foams, natural fillers like rice, corn, wheat, and peas, use to fill bean bags.
So you may have a question about why natural fillers are used to fill microwave bean bags and why we cannot fill synthetic fillers, right?
Actually, as the name of this bean bag, you may know we have to heat it before use. That is why the fabric and filler used for a microwave bean bag include the properties to tolerate the temperature. Because of that, many microwave bean bags are filled with natural fillers.
Thus, you cannot wash the whole microwave bean bag. However, you can wash the outer cover of your microwave bean bag if it is washable.
So, what can we do when fillers of microwave bean bags get ruined? Do not worry; you can refill your microwave bean bag.
What Happens If You Wash Your Microwave Bean Bag?
If you wash your microwave bean bag, the natural fillers may absorb the water and get swollen. It will completely ruin the properties of the bean bag.
Moldy and mildew may probably grow there, and these fungi can affect your health badly. That’s why you should keep away your microwave bean bag from moisture.
How To Wash the Outer Cover Of Your Microwave Bean Bag?
Most bean bags, including microwave bean bags, come with a removable outer cover. The probability of dirtying the outer covering is higher than the probability of dirt these fillers. Because the outer shell directly connects with your skin and other surfaces. So, it will be rich in bacteria, dust, oil, and many other foreign substances.
However, before washing the outer cover of the microwave bean bag, you must read the manufacturer’s instructions.
Then follow these simple steps. It will guide you to successfully get a clean microwave bean bag’s outer cover.
Step 1: Remove the outer cover.
Keep in mind to remove the outer cover of the microwave bean bag before you wash it.
Step 2: Wash the outer cover.
Here you can use two ways to wash the bean bag cover. One way is using a washing machine, and another is hand washing.
But it would be best if you considered whether your bean bag cover is machine washable or not. Here you can use appropriate washing powder or soap to clean.
Step 3: Dry it
Do not confuse. You can dry the microwave bean bag cover the same way you follow to dry clothes.
Mostly it is better to allow it to air dry. Plus, it is wise not to place it exposed to direct and high sunlight because it will cause to fade or discolor the bean bag.
Step 4: Put the inner cover with fillers into the cleaned surface, then zip in.
After drying well, you can replace the new cover and use your microwave bean bag again.
Special note
- Do not put the inner liner into the wet cover for any reason. It will surely ruin your natural fillers.
- Plus, it would be best if you never did anything that could wet your inner liner.
- Also, do not use any solvent or cleaning agents.
How To Clean Microwave Bean Bag Fillings?
There are no options when ruining the fillers of your microwave bean bag. You have to refill it. Refilling is the best option to expand the lifespan of your microwave bean bag.
Even though the fillers are not ruined, refilling your microwave bean bag over time is better. Because within time, some supportive properties and freshness of the fillers may diminish. But here, it does not mean that you should refill fillers often.
So, let’s check how we refill the fillers of the microwave bean bag.
Step 1: Remove the outer cover of the microwave bean bag
You can easily clean the bean bag’s cover using the above steps mentioned earlier. If you think washing the cover is unnecessary, it is better to let it dry with the air.
Step 2: Open the inner liner and get out the fillers from it
Carefully open the inner cover and remove the stuffing. Then correctly dispose of them.
Step 3: Clean the inner liner
If the fillers spoiled the cover, it is better to clean the inner cover. However, you can wash it properly by following the manufacturer’s instructions.
Step 4: Dry it well
Let the inner cover dry well. If not, it causes spoil your new fillers.
Step 5: Refill the inner liner with new fillings
Refill the new fillers into the inner cover carefully.
Step 6: It is time to put the outer cover
Replace the microwave bean bag cover and make sure it is dry well.
Step 7: Get relief from the pains
After cleaning the microwave bean bag, you can get a fresh experience from it. Surely it will be awesome!
How To Get Quick Refreshment For Microwave Bean Bag?
If you need to give quick refreshment for your bean bag, you can achieve it through straightforward steps.
Step 1: Remove the microwave bean bag cover
Step 2: Open the inner liner of the microwave bean bag
Step 3: Place the microwave bean bag fillers to dry under direct sunlight
Here, firstly you should find a mat or clean floor. If you find a clean place, it should expose to direct sunlight.
If not, lay a cleaned and dry mat or cloth in a place with direct sunlight. Then place your fillers on it. After that, let them dry well.
Step 4: Shake the inner cover well and let it dry under sunlight
Step 5: After drying well, refill the fillers into the inner cover
Step 6: Replace the outer cover, and now you have a fresh microwave bean bag
Final Thoughts
Cleaning the microwave bean bag is simple and easy. But you cannot do it as your wish. If you do it according to your own way, definitely you have to say goodbye to your bean bag. But now, you have the proper knowledge to do this task successfully. So, use them at the right time to enhance the lifespan of your microwave bean bag!